Alpha Sign Up

Alpha at the Bridge is starting on Friday April 12th at 6pm
We are so excited to have you join us!

Amazing! We are so happy to have you join us.

Fill out your info below.  You can add your friend's details next to the best of your ability.

Amazing! We are so happy to have you join us.

Let us get to know you a little bit. 

We are so grateful that you are interested in serving with us.

We have lots of different volunteer roles for Alpha...
Caterers - Cook and serve food, collect and wash dirty dishes, clean kitchen
Set-up and clean-up crew - Set up tables, chairs, dividers, put away once session finished
Prayer team - Pray for the guests by name, pray for the facilitators and other
Childcare - Care for children, ensure the children have name tags, clean and tidy

Roles Already filled:
Facilitator (Also act as table host) - Care for the people at your table, facilitate discussion. *Must attend Alpha training
Co-facilitator (Also act as table host) - Support the facilitator and pray

Greeters - Make sure that guests feel welcome, have a name tag and know
where to go

Audio-visual - Ensure video equipment is correctly positioned, set up, sound tested,
run as required.