Sunday Service at 9 and 11 am

We are SO EXCITED that you have decided to join us for Alpha!

We look forward to a rich time together.

At each session we will enjoy dinner and watch an Alpha video that addresses big life questions and on an aspect of Christian faith. After each video, there is a time for discussion in small groups—a place where you can ask questions, share your perspective, delve into different issues and find out what others think.

Every Thursday evening (Starting Jan 23) 6pm to 8pm
Located at the Bridge Church (1384 Deep Cove Rd).
• We’d love to hear everyone’s thoughts, but you don’t have to talk.
• Any question or comment is welcome, though please be brief so everyone has the opportunity to share.
• Let’s respect each other by listening and accepting different opinions.
• Please keep the info shared during the discussion time confidential when you leave your group.
If you have any questions or concerns please contact either Niki Schulz ( or Karen Bradshaw (

Thank you for joining us. We look forward to meeting you and journeying together.

Yours truly,
Schulz and Bradshaw